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AK Interactive Greenpower 2 Component Modeling Putty

AK Interactive Greenpower 2 Component Modeling Putty

9,99 Iva inclusa (22%)

Spese di trasporto:
A partire da € 6,50Maggiori dettagli
Cod. art.: AK8208
Disponibilità: Non disponibile



Feedback degli utenti


GREENPOWER is an epoxy putty that when mixed both components at room temperature allows to recreate any model’s piece. Once mixed both components the result becomes a sticky green putty. Then you have about 90 minutes to mold and detail, reaching maximum hardness after 24 hours.

To obtain smoother surfaces it is recommended to use a lubricant such as water, oil, or vaseline, in order to prevent unwanted settling of the putty. The tools must be always lubricated or moistened, and talcum powder can be used to avoid fingerprints, or to add texture. Altering the proportions of both components produces a greater or lesser hardness and hardening faster or slower. Storing the putty in a cool area or even in the refrigerator will keep it in better condition and will last longer.

This product contains 2 stripes of 10cm of putty.


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