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Elenco completo »

Black Seas - Merchant Vessels

Black Seas - Merchant VesselsBlack Seas - Merchant Vessels

€ 27,50 Sconto 10%

24,75 Iva inclusa (22%)

Spese di trasporto:
A partire da € 6,50Maggiori dettagli
Cod. art.: 792410009
Disponibilità: Non disponibile



Feedback degli utenti


Merchant vessels were not designed for combat. They were slow lumbering vessels designed to have a large capacity for transporting goods but at the sacrifice of manoeuvrability.

In Black Seas there are many scenarios that necessitate the use of merchant vessels. Scenario 4 - Blood & Plunder! (Page 41 Black Seas rulebook), see two opposing privateer fleets attempt to claim the contents of merchant vessels for their own, whereas Scenario 9 - Landing Expedition (Page 46 Black Seas rulebook) sees merchant vessels loaded with troops attempting to cross hostile waters and disgorge their loads onto a contested island.

The kit contains one large and one small merchant vessel, each customisable with optional figureheads.

Contains 2 resin and metal vessels.

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